
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerDimension
Physical Name : ETL_DW3_DIM_CT

Identifies and lists customer attributes for use in sales and operational analysis of retail business

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CustomerID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for a person or organization that purchases a product or service from the retailer. ID_CT Identity int
HouseholdID (FK) Token identifier for a Household. ID_CT_HSHLD Identity integer HouseholdDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_HSHLD)
AnonymousFlag A boolean indicator that tells if this is an anonymous customer or not. If TRUE this is an anonymous customer that has no KeyCustomer (and related dependent information) and no PartyContactMethod information associated with it. FL_ANNYMS Flag int
KeyCustomerID A unique system assigned identifier for a person or organization that purchases a product or service from the retailer. ID_KY_CT Number int
PrivacyOptOutCode A two character retailer assigned code denoting which forms of contact the Customer has chosen to opt out of. CD_PVCY_OOUT Code2 char(2)
RegistrationDateTime Date and time a Key Customer registered with a retailer. DT_RGSTN EffectiveDateTime datetime
PartyID A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY Identity int
PartyTypeCode Indicates a category of Party. Party categories provide a way to distinguish between persons, organizations, households, communities, etc. Samples include PR Person OR Organization HH Household CO Community Retailers may assign their own or use these. CD_PRTY_TYP Code varchar(20)
Salutation Extra words that don't form part of the person's name but are normally printed before the FirstName as a courtesy title. For instance, Mr. Ms., Miss, Dr., Prof. etc. This represents the primary salutation for this Person. NM_PRS_SLN Name varchar(40)
FirstName A person's first name. In western cultures, this is the given name, in other cultures it may be the family name. This represents a person's most current first name. FN_PRS Name varchar(40)
FirstNameType A code denoting what kind of name the FirstName is, possible values include: GivenName, OtherGivenName, FamilyName, Patronymic TY_NM_FS Code2 char(2)
MiddleNames One or more middle names, that are printed between the person's first and last names. This represents a person's most current first name. MD_PRS Name varchar(40)
MiddleNameType A code denoting what kind of name the MiddleName is, possible values include: GivenName, OtherGivenName, FamilyName, Patronymic TY_NM_MID Code2 char(2)
LastName A person's last name. In western cultures, this is the family (or patronymic) name, in other cultures it may be the given name. This represents a person's most current first name. LN_PRS Name varchar(40)
LastNameType A code denoting what kind of name the LastName is, possible values include: GivenName, OtherGivenName, FamilyName, Patronymic TY_NM_LS Code2 char(2)
Suffix Extra words that don't form part of the person's name but are normally printed after the LastName to help identify the person. Example values include, Sr, Jr, III This represents a person's primary Suffix. NM_PRS_SFX Name varchar(40)
SortingName A culturally sensitive version of the person's name that is used when producing a sorted list of names. Examples: Jones, W S McGrigor, S F Tryggvi, T NM_PRS_SR Name varchar(40)
MailingName A culturally sensitive version of the person's name that is used when contacting them Examples: Bill Jones, Stuey McGrigor Tryggvi Thordarson NM_PRS_ML Name varchar(40)
OfficialName A culturally sensitive version of the person's name that is used for all legal documents. Examples: William Stephen Jones Stuart Fergus McGrigor Tryggvi Magnus Thordarson NM_PRS_OFCL Name varchar(40)
LanguageID A combination of ISO-639-1 and ISO-3661-1 to denote a lanuage as spoken in a particular country. ID_LGE Code4External char(4)
GenderTypeCode A code for specifying a persons gender. TY_GND_PRS Code2 char(2)
DateOfBirth Year, month, and day a Person was born on. DC_PRS_BRT DateCalendar date
AnnualIncomeRangeCode A customer's annual salary or income. CD_ANN_INCM_RNGE Code varchar(20)
MaritalStatusCode A code that describes a CUSTOMER's current marital status. For instance, married, single, etc. CD_MRTL_STS Code varchar(20)
RaceCode Retailer determined code for indicating a Person's race. CD_RC Code varchar(20)
OccupationTypeCode A retailer assigned code that assigns a Person to an occupation category. This is used in demographic CD_OCCPTN_TYP Code varchar(20)
LifeStageCode Defines the current family situation of a Person based on characterized composition of family, member ages, and marital status. Examples: Single No Child The primary head of household is single, divorced, separated, or widowed and is younger than 45 years of age. The household supports no dependent children, and the household is not a retired household. Married No Child The primary head of household is married and is younger than 45 years of age. The household supports no dependent children, and the household is not a retired household. Oldest Child 0�11 The household supports at least one dependent child age 11 or younger. It supports no dependent children 12 years of age or older. Oldest Child 12�17 The household supports at least one dependent child between the ages of 12 and 17 years of age. It supports no dependent children age 18 years or older. Oldest Child 18 or Older The household supports at least one dependent child 18 years of age or older. Preretired The primary head of household is 45 years of age or older. The household supports no dependent children, and the household is not a retired household. Younger Retired The primary head of household is 70 years of age or younger. The household supports no dependent children, and the household is a retired household. Older Retired The primary head of household is 70 years of age or older. The household supports no dependent children, and the household is a retired household. CD_LF_STG Code varchar(20)
EthnicityTypeCode Indicates the cultural background of a Person. This is different from race in that it tells about a mixture of language, culture separate from a person's race. Examples include: Hispanic Han Chinese Persian West European East European Retailers should define codes that are relevant to their business. CD_ETHNC_TYP Code varchar(20)
ReligionFamilyCode Abrahamic religions 2 Indian religions 3 Iranian religions 4 East Asian religions 5 African diasporic religions 6 Indigenous traditional religions 7 Historical polytheism 8 Mysticism and Occult 9 Neopaganism 10 New religious movements 11 Left-hand path religions 12 Fictional religions 13 Parody or mock religions 14 Others CD_RLGN_FMY Code varchar(20)
ReligionName Name of religion sect within a religion family. 1 Abrahamic religions 1.1 Babism 1.2 Bah�'� Faith 1.3 Christianity 1.3.1 Other groups 1.4 Druze 1.5 Gnosticism 1.6 Islam 1.7 Judaism 1.8 Rastafari movement 1.9 Mandaeans and Sabians 1.10 Samaritanism 1.11 Shabakism 2 Indian religions 2.1 Ayyavazhi 2.2 Bhakti movement 2.3 Buddhism 2.4 Din-i-Ilahi 2.5 Hinduism 2.6 Jainism 2.7 Meivazhi 2.8 Sikhism 3 Iranian religions 3.1 Manichaeism 3.2 Mazdakism 3.3 Mithraism 3.4 Yazd�nism 3.5 Zoroastrianism 4 East Asian religions 4.1 Confucianism 4.2 Shinto 4.3 Taoism 4.4 Other 5 African diasporic religions 6 Indigenous traditional religions 6.1 African 6.2 American 6.3 Eurasian 6.4 Oceania/Pacific 6.4.1 Cargo cults 7 Historical polytheism 7.1 Ancient Near Eastern 7.2 Indo-European 7.3 Hellenistic 8 Mysticism and Occult 8.1 Esotericism and mysticism 8.2 Occult and magic 9 Neopaganism 9.1 Syncretic 9.2 Ethnic 10 New religious movements 10.1 Creativity 10.2 New Thought 10.3 Shinshukyo 11 Left-hand path religions 12 Fictional religions 13 Parody or mock religions 14 Others NM_RLGN Code varchar(20)
EducationLevelCode Designates a level of education completed by a party.. Examples include: ELEMENTARY MIDDLE _SCHOOL HIGH_SCHOOL TWO_YEARS_COLLEGE FOUR_YEAR_COLLEGE TWO_YEAR_GRAD FOUR_YEAR_GRAD POST_GRAD CD_EDC_LV Code varchar(20)
EmploymentStatusCode A code that defines the employment condition of a person. This code is used in segementing customers. Sample values include: STUDENT UNEMPLOYED PART_TIME_UNDEREMPLOYED EMPLOYED SEMI_RETIRED RETIRED CD_EMPLMT_STS Code varchar(20)
PersonalityTypeCode A retailer assigned value that assigns a personality named pattern of behavior to a Person. This plays a role in segmentation Sample Values: COMPULSIVE AUTHORITARIAN GREGARIOUS AMBITIOUS INTROVERTED CD_PRSNLTY_TYP Code varchar(20)
LifestyleTypeCode Retailer assigned code that assigns a Person to a named lifestyle pattern. This is used for segmentation purposes. Samples include: LONGHAIRS MODERN FASHIONERS RELIGIOUS_STYLE WORKAHOLIC CD_LFSTYL_TYP Code varchar(20)
PersonalValueTypeCode A retailer assigned value that assigns a named pattern of personal values to a Person. This plays a role in segmentation. Sample values include: FAMILY_ORIENTED MATERIALISTIC SPIRITUALISTIC IDEALISTIC CD_PRSL_VL_TYP Code varchar(20)
ValueAttitudeLifestyleTypeCode Code used to characterize a consuer/customer value-attitude-lifestyle. Sample VALS values include: INNOVATORS � The class of consumer at the top of the vals framework. They are characterized by High income and high resource individuals for whom independence is very important. They have their own individual taste in things and are motivated in achieving the finer things in life. THINKERS � A well educated professional is an excellent example of Thinkers in the vals framework. These are the people who have high resources and are motivated by their knowledge. These are the rational decision making consumers and are well informed about their surroundings. These consumers are likely to accept any social change because of their knowledge level. BELIEVERS � The subtle difference between thinkers and believers is that thinkers make their own decisions whereas believers are more social in nature and hence also believe other consumers. They are characterized by lower resources and are less likely to accept innovation on their own. They are the best class of word of mouth consumers. ACHIEVERS � The achievers are mainly motivated by � guess what � Achievements. These individuals want to excel at their job as well in their family. Thus they are more likely to purchase a brand which has shown its success over time. The achievers are said to be high resource consumers but at the same time, if any brand is rising, they are more likely to adopt that brand faster. STRIVERS � Low resource consumer group which wants to reach some achievement are known as strivers. These customers do not have the resources to be an achiever. But as they have values similar to an achiever, they fall under the striver category. If a striver can gain the necessary resources such as a high income or social status then he can move on to becoming an achiever. EXPERIENCERS � The group of consumers who have high resources but also need a mode of self expression are known as Experiencers. Mostly characterized by young adults, it consists of people who want to experience being different. This class of consumers is filled up with early adopters who spend heavily on food, clothing and other youthful products and services. MAKERS � These are consumers who also want self expression but they are limited by the number of resources they have. Thus they would be more focused towards building a better family rather than going out and actually spending higher amount of money. Making themselves into better individuals and families becomes a form of self expression for the Makers. SURIVORS � The class of consumers in the Vals framework with the least resources and therefore the least likely to adopt any innovation. As they are not likely to change their course of action regularly, they form into brand loyal customers. An example can include old age pension earners living alone for whom the basic necessities are important and they are least likely to concentrate on anything else. CD_VL_ATTD_LFSTL Code varchar(20)
ConsumerCreditScore The credit rating assigned by an independent credit rating service like Fair Isaac, Transunion or Experian in the US CD_CNS_CR_SCOR Code varchar(20)
ConsumerCreditRatingServiceName The name of the ConsumerCreditScore provider. NM_CNS_CR_RTG_SV Name varchar(40)
DietaryHabitTypeCode Code that identifies a particular dietary habit. CD_DTRY_HBT_TYP Code varchar(20)
DisabilityImpairmentTypeCode Identifies a retailer specified disability or impairment. CD_DSBLTY_IMPRMNT_TYP Code varchar(20)
ActivityInterestCode_1 A lookup value that designates a valid activity or interest code used to segment customers. The code list must be defined by the retailer. CD_ACTV_INTRST_1 Code varchar(20)
LeisureProfessionalTypeCode_1 A code that characterizes the involvement of a person in an activity (or interest) as professional (i.e. it's an aspect of their vocation) or liesure (something they're involved with for fun). Sample Values: PROFESSIONAL LIESURE OTHER CD_LSUR_PRFSL_TYP_1 Code varchar(20)
ActivityInterestCode_2 A lookup value that designates a valid activity or interest code used to segment customers. The code list must be defined by the retailer. CD_ACTV_INTRST_2 Code varchar(20)
LeisureProfessionalTypeCode_2 A code that characterizes the involvement of a person in an activity (or interest) as professional (i.e. it's an aspect of their vocation) or liesure (something they're involved with for fun). Sample Values: PROFESSIONAL LIESURE OTHER CD_LSUR_PRFSL_TYP_2 Code varchar(20)
ActivityInterestCode_3 A lookup value that designates a valid activity or interest code used to segment customers. The code list must be defined by the retailer. CD_ACTV_INTRST_3 Code varchar(20)
LeisureProfessionalTypeCode_3 A code that characterizes the involvement of a person in an activity (or interest) as professional (i.e. it's an aspect of their vocation) or liesure (something they're involved with for fun). Sample Values: PROFESSIONAL LIESURE OTHER CD_LSUR_PRFSL_TYP_3 Code varchar(20)
LegalStatusCode A code that indicates the ORGANIZATION's legal or tax status. For example, this may be Commercial Corporation, Not-for-profit, Non-profit, Academic, Government, etc. CD_LGL_STS Code varchar(20)
LegalName The name used by an organization for legal purposes. Usually designates the formal name of an organization that conducts business under a different "doin business as" or trade name. Different alias for the same party. NM_LGL Name varchar(40)
TradeName The name underwhich this organization conducts its business. It may different from its LegalName. NM_TRD Name varchar(40)
TerminationDate Date this organization ceased to operate and was closed for business. DC_TRMN ExpirationDate date
JurisdictionOfIncorporation The name of the territory, state, province or other political subdivision that authorized the incorporation of the Organization. NM_JRDT_OF_INCRP DescriptionShort varchar(255)
IncorporationDate Date this Organization was legally incorporated. This is different from the StartUpDate. Incorporation may occurr before or after a StartUpDate. DC_INCRP DateCalendar date
LegalOrgnizationTypeCode Defines the type of legal organization the Organization is using to conduct business. The code values will vary by country and JurisdictionOfIncorporation. Here are some examples: SOLE_PROPRIETOR PARTNERSHIP LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP S-CORPORATION C-CORPORATION LIMITED_LIAB_COMPANY OTHER CD_LGL_ORGN_TYP Code varchar(20)
FiscalYearEndDate The date (month and day) this organizations fiscal year ends on. Note that for certain kinds of businesses this can accelerate buying as managers seek to use or lose their spendable budgets. DC_FSC_YR_END DateCalendar date
BusinessActivityCode A code that identifies the primary type of business the Organzation is engaged in. The coding schema varies from country to country. In the US the UC Census NAICS codes are used. This may be used to indicate the categories of merchandise a given Organization is likely to purchase. CD_BSN_ACTV Code varchar(20)
LocalAnnualRevenueAmount Total revenue earned by the organization in the "local" market. Local as used here means the country or next level political subdivison. It' primary use is to distinguish sales volume of a local part of a global or national company from the over all aggregated revenue. MO_LCL_ANN_RVN Money decimal(16,5)
GlobalAnnualRevenueAmount The total revenue for a global or national company. MO_GBL_ANN_RVN Money decimal(16,5)
OpenForBusinessDate The date the Organization opened. DC_OPN_FR_BSN DateCalendar date
ClosedForBusinessDate The date the Organization ceased operating. DC_CLSD_FR_BSN DateCalendar date
DUNSNumber The D&B D-U-N-S Number is a non-indicative, nine-digit number assigned to each business location in the D&B database having a unique, separate, and distinct operation, and is maintained solely by D&B. The D&B D-U-N-S Number is used by industries and organizations around the world as a global standard for business identification and tracking. If you don`t have a D-U-N-S Number, you can get one for free through the SBS site. ID_DUNS_NBR IdentityDunsIdentifier char(9)
BankruptcyFlag A boolean indicator that tell if this Organization has ever experienced bankruptcy or not. This indicator is set to true even if the organization is NOT CURRENTLY bankrupt but has experience bankruptcy in its past. FL_BNKRPTY Flag int
BankruptcyDate The date the organization declared bankruptcy DC_BNKRPTY DateCalendar date
BankruptcyEmergenceDate The date the Organization emerged from bankruptcy DC_BNKRPTY_EMRGNC DateCalendar date
BankruptcyTypeCode A retailer defined code that tells what kind of bankruptcy proceeding the Organization went through. Examples based on US bankruptcy laws include: CHAPTER_7 - Liquidation CHAPTER_9 - Municipal Bankrupcty (applies only to public bodies) CHAPTER 11 - Reorganization under bankruptcy code CHAPTER 12 - Family Farmer Bankruptcy or family Fisherman Bankruptcy CHAPTER 13 - Individual debit adjustment (applicable to sole proprietors and partners) CHAPTER 15 - Ancillary and other cross Border cases CD_BNKRPTY_TYP Code varchar(20)
EmployeeCountLocal Number of employees locally (in the country, state or municipality). The intepretation of "local" is up to the retailer based on their approach to defining market areas. QU_EM_CNT_LCL QuantityInteger int
EmployeeCountGlobal Total number of employees for the Organization as a whole. QU_EM_CNT_GBL QuantityInteger int
DunnAndBradstreeRating A code that indicates the size and credit worthiness of the Organization. The code value is determined by Dunn and Bradstreet. CD_RTG_DUNN_AND_BRDST Code varchar(20)
PrimaryBusiness A combination of ISO-639-1 and ISO-3661-1 to denote a lanuage as spoken in a particular country. ID_LGE_PRMRY Code4External char(4)
OrganizationDescriptionNarrative Short narrative description of the organization to capture retailer defined unstructured information about an organization. NA_DE_ORGN DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)
AddressLine1 The first line of the address, normally the street number and name. A1_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine2 The second line of an address, normally the Flat or Building Suite number. A2_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine3 The third line of the address. A3_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine4 The fourth line of the address. A4_ADS Address varchar(80)
City The city, town or village component of the address CI_CNCT City varchar(30)
Territory The County, State, Province, Territory etc component of the address ST_CNCT State char(2)
ISO_3166-2CountrySubDivisionID Token ID assigned to uniquely identify all country-primary subdivision instances. This token is non-signifcant and should be automatically generated. ID_ISO_3166_2_CY_SBDVN Identity integer
GeographicSegmentID Token ID for a GeographicSegment which is used to categorize customers based on where they live, shop and work. ID_GEO_SGMT Identity integer
CompleteNumber The complete telephone number including the CountryCode, AreaCode, Telephone Number and ExtensionNumber. PH_CMPL PhoneNumberComplete varchar(32)
EmailAddressDomainPart The domain portion identifies the point to which the mail is delivered. In the dot-atom form, this is interpreted as an Internet domain name (either a host name or a mail exchanger name) as described in [RFC1034], [RFC1035], and [RFC1123]. In the domain-literal form, the domain is interpreted as the literal Internet address of the particular host. In both cases, how addressing is used and how messages are transported to a particular host is covered in separate documents, such as [RFC5321]. EM_ADS_DMN_PRT EmailAddress varchar(253)
EmailAddressLocalPart The local-part portion is a domain-dependent string. In addresses, it is simply interpreted on the particular host as a name of a particular mailbox. EM_ADS_LOC_PRT EmailAddress varchar(253)
SocialNetworkID Token ID of the InternetBasedService (i.e. Social Network, Blog, etc.) ID_SCL_NTWRK Identity integer
SocialNetworkName The business name of the InterNetBasedService NM_SCL_NTWRK Name varchar(40)
SocialNetworkUserID The token ID for a social network user. This is an internal "dumb" unique ID not the user ID appearing in a social network See UserProfileID. ID_SCL_NTWRK_HNDL Identity integer
UserProfileID The name or handle used by the Party when signing into the InternetBasedService ID_SCL_NTWRK_USR DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
HouseholdDimension is an affiliation of CustomerDimension
CustomerDimension geography defined by CustomerGeolocationDimension
CustomerDimension purchases through SalesReturnFact
CustomerDimension earns/redeems points throug CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact
CustomerDimension makes payment through TenderFact

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